Mrs. Decker's Wooden Creations after school class
Ms. Gross' After School Program. The Cougars created a Mini Light Up Christmas Tree.
Mrs Gorab and Mrs Hildebrand’s Engineering class was challenged to build a marble run following certain specifications. Great job Cougars!
GCE 6th graders took children’s books and arranged sound effects and performed the books for their first grade buddies.
Celebrating our November Birthday Cougars !
GCE Cougars busy learning on this snowy morning.
Ms. Stoller-Lee's Fox in Fall painting class
D12 closed for Friday, November 18, 2022
D12 will be on a 2-hour delay with no AM preschool for Friday, November 18
GCE 4th graders put on a wonderful musical for our students and parents today. The Pirate musical was very entertaining thanks for Mrs. Seay and our Fourth Grade teachers.
A day full of chili and chillax treats courtesy of our amazing Gold Camp PTO! Thank you and we appreciate you!
Ahoy! Our 4th Grade Cougars are all hands on deck rehearsing for the show on Thursday. Photo credit to Mrs. Royall.
The 5th and Kindergarten buddies were working on the Mayflower project out of aluminum. The First Grade class was busy painting their turkeys. What artistic Cougars we have here at Gold Camp!
Some of the classes were visited by retired and active duty service members here at Gold Camp. With Respect, Honor and Gratitude, the Gold Camp Community sends our heartfelt thanks to all members of our military in all branches.
In Mrs. Wyman & Mrs. Parker's STEAM class, students had the challenge of building a home for the three little pigs using only marshmallows & toothpicks. The house had to be strong enough to not be blown over by the big, bad wolf ( a hair dryer). Everyone met the challenge!
Students figuring out how to code an Indi robot in Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Wyman's after school class. They determined which color would make the Indi stop, go, turn, spin, and more. They then programmed the Indi to go around their partner!
Students in Mrs. Wyman and Mrs. Parker's STEAM/Fairytales/Robots class build homes big enough for the Giant to visit Jack and beanstalks that are safer for Jack to climb down. They also coded Beebots and Ozobots to visit the characters and setting of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Gold Camp Elementary students rehearsing in band and enjoying indoor campfire stories.
Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Wyman's Robots class yesterday- the kids made their own robot- a brush bot. Great job, Cougars!
CSFD has cleared the building and notified the District that it is safe for all GCE students and staff to return to the building and resume normal schedule.